A Guide to Protecting Your Information & Privacy While Traveling

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By Aliza Vigderman Aliza Vigderman, Senior Editor, Industry Analyst

Going on trips should be relaxing and fun, but as frequent flyers ourselves, we know the stress of keeping an eye on all your belongings. You must keep track of where your bags, important documents like passports, wallet and other valuables, and gadgets like phones and cameras are. But physical belongings aren’t the only things you should be worried about when traveling.

The truth is, travelers are incredibly vulnerable to identity theft and fraud. Tourists are prime targets of scams. Not to mention, connecting to an unsecured public Wi-Fi puts your digital data at risk. There are also other things – withdrawing or checking balance from questionable ATMs, using public computers to access email and other important accounts, a lost wallet containing identification, and many more. So how can you keep your digital and personal information safe while traveling?

Expert Insights

Before delving into the specifics behind how to protect your identity, personal information, and privacy while traveling, let’s get a glimpse at what some industry experts have to say.


General Tips for Protecting Your Privacy When You Travel

Phones and gadgets keep us connected while we’re away from home and the office. They are a travel essential. But at the same time, they are also a treasure trove of personal and digital information waiting to be snatched up. We’re not just talking about physical theft of a phone, though, but also theft of sensitive information in order to commit fraud.

To protect yourself from identity theft, practice the following strategies to stay connected while remaining cyber safe on your travels. Before you take off, consider these pointers:

Icon image of credit cardsOnly bring what you absolutely need when it comes to cards, travel documents, and other personal information. Not only will traveling lightly lessen the chances of everything getting lost or stolen, it will also keep your wallet compact and organized.

Icon image of a computer screenHold off on posting anything on social media about your travel arrangements. Limit the number of people who know you’re going away.

Icon image of a laptop with a padlockSecure your accounts and devices with strong passwords, passcodes, or mobile phone touch ID to lock your gadgets.

Icon image representing encryptionAvoid taking your work or personal devices with you on your trips, but if you must, be sure to encrypt or remove secret information.

Icon image representing location trackingEnable “Find My Phone” on your mobile device so that if it gets lost or stolen, you are able to locate it. Turn on remote wipe abilities and familiarize yourself on how to do this in case you need to.

Icon image of document copiesMake copies of your travel records, ID cards, credit cards, and other personal information that you’re bringing with you on the trip. Leave these copies with a trusted family member or friend. This way, if anything is lost or stolen, you know where to trace back and retrieve the information.

Icon image representing mobile device updatesGet all your gadgets up-to-date on the latest software for optimal security.

Icon image of temporary mobile devicesIf possible, use temporary gadgets designated just for traveling. Examples would be an inexpensive laptop and a prepaid cell phone.

Icon image of a computer drive being backed upBack up any important data on your devices on an external drive that you leave at home in a safe place.

Icon image of an open box representing file sharingTurn off printer-sharing and file-sharing applications.

Download a VPN and familiarize yourself with it so you can connect to public Wi-Fis with less worries while on your trip. A VPN will encrypt your traffic so that no one within the public Wi-Fi’s network can sift through your browsing activities,

Image of travelers with their luggages and passports


While you are on vacation, consider taking the below measures to keep yourself protected on the move:

Icon image representing a device broadcasting as a hotspotKeep in mind that public Wi-Fi networks and hotspots are not secure, so anyone can potentially see what you are doing on your device while you’re connected. Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fis as much as possible, but if you must, connect your device to a VPN.

Icon image representing mobile location being turned offTurn off Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth on your gadgets when you’re not using them.

Icon image representing a locked vaultDo not leave any of your devices behind, even in your hotel room. Keep them secure with you at all times, and if you must leave anything behind, make sure it is locked up in a safe so that no one can access it even if they get into your hotel room.

Icon image representing a calendarWait to post photos and status updates about your travels on social media until you are back home. You don’t want criminals to know where you are or that your home may be empty.

Icon image representing cash being paidAvoid using ATM cards whenever possible. Credit cards and cash are recommended when traveling. At the same time, though, don’t take too much cash or too many credit cards with you.

Icon image representing a computer bugRefrain from logging into any personal accounts on other people’s devices – whether that means public computers, hotel business center computers, or devices belonging to friends, colleagues, or other travelers. Computers in public areas may have keyloggers and malware on them, which can compromise your sensitive information.

Icon image representing VPN encryptionUse a VPN on your devices to create an encrypted connection during your time away.

Icon image representing a device chargerFind an AC power brick that plugs into a power outlet directly rather than using a USB charger. USB chargers in public spaces are big no-no’s. Criminals can access information on your devices through the USB cable since it has two wires – one for power and the other for data transfer. When you are in a cab or rideshare such as Uber, avoid plugging in your devices to charge (even if you use your own cord). Otherwise, you might connect your phone or device to the car’s system without your knowledge.

Icon image representing computer usage


Keeping yourself and your personal information secure requires regular attention. When you get back, we recommend that you:

Icon image representing a credit card and a credit card statementCheck your credit card statement to make sure no suspicious or unauthorized charges took place on your trip.

Icon image representing a secure connectionChange all passwords that you used on your vacation.

Icon image of a trash can representing a secure documentRun full antivirus scans on your gadgets.

Icon image of a trash can representing removal of unnecessary applicationsRemove any applications and related data you may have downloaded onto your devices specifically for your trip that you no longer need.

Icon image of a trash can representing sharing of photo assetsShare your photos, videos, and updates on social media for your friends and family to finally enjoy!

5 Things Every Vacationer Must Protect

Make sure security is on your packing list before you head to your next destination! Travelers are big targets for identity theft because of all the information and devices they constantly carry around. Below are five things you should protect.

Icon image of a variety of mobile devices


Many data breaches happen when laptops, phones, or tablets are stolen or lost. This is called a physical breach, and the amount of information involved can be massive. Thieves may access these devices or resell them, causing even more security headaches. The good news is that there are simple ways to prevent having your devices stolen or lost during your travels:

Icon image of a secured pocketKeep your devices as close to your body as possible to avoid getting pickpocketed.

Icon image of a secured vaultLock anything you leave behind in the hotel safe.

Icon image of a moible device with a location iconDo not leave any devices unattended in a public space, no matter how empty or safe it may seem. Always check that you have your devices when you leave someplace — electronics are more likely to be misplaced than stolen. Popular public spaces that travelers frequent include coffee shops, airports, and hotel lobbies.

Icon image of a an encrypted mobile devicePassword-protect your devices with strong passwords, and update your apps and other programs. This way, you minimize the chances of people getting access to your personal data in case they do get a hold of your phone, laptop, or tablet.

Icon image of a house and a secured symbolBring what you absolutely need on your trip, and leave the rest at home in a safe place.

Icon image several secured documents


Those traveling for work often carry many important documents and confidential papers. In fact, more than a third of U.S. vacationers in 2022 planned to touch base with work multiple times a day during their time off. Many employees use their personal devices to access corporate data such as emails, financial data, and customer records. To prevent such data from getting compromised, consider doing the following on your trip:

Icon image a computer secured by VPNUse a virtual private network (VPN) in public spaces like hotels, coffee shops, lobbies, etc. Tip: See our research for the best VPN service to use that will keep you protected.

Icon image of a broadcast signal being disabledWhen you are not using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, disable both.

Icon image of a luggageTry to only take what you absolutely need with you on your trip.

Icon image of documents being shreddedConfidential documents that are no longer needed should be safely shredded.

Icon image of saving documents to the cloudSave digital documents to a cloud service.

Iimage of credit cards


Criminals often look for people’s ID cards and credit cards to assume false identities, which is why it is crucial to protect yourself from card theft. With that said,

Icon image of credit cardsOnly bring along cards that you absolutely need – ideally one credit card and one debit card that you use often, and then your ID card. Leave the rest at home in a safe place.

Icon image of credit card statementsMonitor your credit card charges regularly and immediately report suspicious activity. You can use your credit card’s app. If you see suspicious activity that you’re sure isn’t yours, contact your credit card company and have them block your card. In some cases, however, you may be able to lock and unlock your card through an app. If that’s possible, use the feature to only unlock the card at the moment you’re using it.

Icon image a warning signIf your card is lost or stolen, report it to your bank immediately. Your bank’s phone number is most likely written at the back of the card. If not, you can Google it. When making the call, make sure you’re in a private place (e.g. hotel room instead of the hotel lobby). Your credit card company will likely ask you to provide sensitive information to verify your identity – information you don’t want others to overhear.

Icon image of a credit card and a documentIf you must absolutely use an ATM, make sure it is a safe one in a public area, and don’t forget to shield your PIN entry. Check that there is nothing suspicious attached to the card reader.

Image of a passport


Travel itineraries, passports, car rental documents, airline tickets, and boarding passes should be kept securely. These documents contain confidential information that you won’t want a stranger stumbling across. For your safety,

Icon image of a computer and documentsScan a copy of your passport and keep that in a secure place.

Icon image of a document check listKeep your passport locked in a safe area along with your mobile devices. Do not leave it in plain sight. If you bring it along with you (and choose not to leave it behind in a hotel for example), make sure that it is close to your body as you would with your devices and wallet.

Icon image of a document and a magnifying glassDo some research on popular travel scams and be cautious of them on your trips.

Icon image of a passportNever leave your travel documents unattended.

Icon image of a paper shredderWhen your trip is over, shred all travel documents you no longer need so that they can’t get picked up by chance.

Image of multiple internet enabled devices


If you use smart devices like heart pressure monitors and fitness trackers that connect to the internet to send and receive information, you may want to take extra measures to protect yourself. Bear in mind that cyber criminals may be able to access your data remotely. With that said, be sure to:

Icon image of a disabled signalKeep your IoT devices disconnected from the internet when not in use.

Icon image representing encryptionMake sure that your gadgets are secured with strong passwords, and update them regularly.

Icon image of cell phone and a progress indicatorCheck your devices regularly for any new updates and keep the software up-to-date for the best security protection.

Protecting Your Identity at Home

Heading out of town requires you to not only protect your identity while you are away, but also make sure everything at home stays safe, too. Since you won’t be around to keep an eye on things, you’ll want to add these to-do’s to your checklist before leaving:

Image of a mailboxRequest that your mail be held at the post office until you return so that it doesn’t pile up and send a signal to potential thieves that you aren’t home. Alternatively, if you have a trustworthy neighbor, you can ask them to check your mail regularly and take it in for you temporarily.

Image of a safeHouse-sitters are great, but keep in mind that having one doesn’t exempt you from taking necessary measures to be safe. Even if yours is trustworthy, you still cannot predict whether or not your home may be burglarized while you are not there. Protect your identity by taking the extra step of locking up valuable documents in a safe.

Internet Security for Travelers

When it comes to protecting your information & privacy while traveling, you can never be too safe. Perform a few precautions for peace of mind, and keep your personal information safe with these tips:

Image of a phone plus a padlock on its screen


Icon image a shield and checkEnsure that you are running the latest version of your device’s security software and operating system.

Icon image of a laptop and encrypted symbolMake sure that your devices are password-protected so that people cannot easily access your information should you misplace any of your gadgets.

Icon image of a progress indicatorDecrease the time it takes for the screen to lock when the devices are idle. It can be a pain to have to keep entering your code, but totally worth dealing with if it means keeping your identity safe.

Icon image of two documents being sharedCheck to see if your laptop’s file-sharing feature is activated. If it is, you will want to turn it off so that people using the same Wi-Fi network as you cannot get access to your files.

Icon image of a hotspot iconUse a personal hotspot whenever possible when you are away from home. If that is not an option, then only use legitimate Wi-Fi hotspots. Rather than trying to log into whichever Wi-Fi hotspots come up first, take the extra time to ask the hotel or coffee shop for the specific name of their network. Networks with strong passwords are better than ones that can be easily accessed by anyone. Turn off Wi-Fi on your device when not in use.

Image of two people using computers


Icon image of a computer screenUsing a public computer for things that do not require you to log into anything is totally safe (i.e. check train schedules, a business’ hours of operations, etc).

Icon image of a computer windowIf you need to log into anything on a public computer, first see if there’s a way for you to open an “Incognito” window.

Icon image of an encrypted input boxBefore signing into anything, make sure that any box that says “stay signed in” or “remember me” is unchecked.

Icon image of an arrow representing logging outMake sure that you are logged out of your accounts when you are done.

Icon image of time reversalAfter you are logged out, clear the Internet browser’s cache, cookies, and history before leaving the computer.

Icon image of a an encrypted connectionFor your very important accounts, set up two-step verification. It’s an extra layer of protection that will require you to enter a password from another device that you own whenever you try to log into your accounts using unfamiliar devices. Most email providers and social media apps now offer the two-step verification.

Icon image of a computer crossed outAvoid logging into your personal financial accounts while you’re away, especially on a public computer. If you can, wait until you get back home and check on a secure connection.

Icon image of a secured laptopIf you are booking tickets online using a public computer and need to enter any credit card information, look for “HTTPS” at the beginning of the web address or URL to make sure the site is as secure as possible.


Today’s advanced technology has helped to make a plethora of things easier, including traveling, staying in touch with friends and family, getting work done on the go, being entertained, and more. For most, having an electronic device like a cell phone, tablet, or laptop is crucial for a complete travel experience. These perks do come with drawbacks and increased risks for cyber theft and the compromise of personal information. In this guide, we have done our best to elaborate on the security measures you can take to travel safely. While our tips are not foolproof, it goes without saying that every measure taken can help to reduce the chances of identity theft. We encourage you to explore other resources to stay informed about fraud and identity theft.

Additional Resources

Below are more resources on taking precautionary actions to protect your personal information, data, and identity while you are away from home.