Remember those phonebooks from a few decades ago? They contained so much information and were so thick that our grandma used to use them as booster seats when we came over. Back then, it was okay to have so much information published because it was our only way to find and contact people. However, today’s digital version of phonebooks — data brokers and people search sites such as PeopleFinders — is far more sinister.
These people search sites gather personally identifiable information (PII) from numerous public sources and create a profile of you, whether you like it or not. And technically, they aren’t breaking any laws. They are simply aggregating data that is already publicly available. The problem is that they make it easy for anyone from stalkers to scammers and identity thieves to see our personal information. That’s why we encourage you to opt out of PeopleFinders — either using a data removal service like Incogni or by going through the site’s opt-out process.
Quick Note: Data removal services are paid services that check hundreds of data broker sites for your information and request its removal on your behalf. The best data removal services we’ve tested are Incogni, Kanary, and Optery.
What Is PeopleFinders?
PeopleFinder is one of the many data brokers that exist on the internet. Using the website, you can simply type in the name of the person you’re looking for and their city and state. The service will do a search of its records and give you all the information it has on that person for a small fee. It’s actually a subscription service, so if you’re a paying user, you can perform unlimited searches.
You can also do reverse lookups — you type in the phone number, email, or address of a person you want to find and PeopleFinder will find records that match. Let’s say you gave your phone number to a person you met at a night out. They’d be able to find out things like your name, where you live, past criminal records if any, property records, and so on — practically anything PeopleFinders has on you. Even scarier is that PeopleFinders claims to have 120 billion records and counting from over 6,000 sources.
Expert Insight: When we gave PeopleFinders a try, it offered us comprehensive background checks for $3.95 for the first three days. Each search took about five minutes – just imagine how many profiles a potential criminal could pull in three days for only $3.95.
How to Opt Out of PeopleFinders
The good news is while you can’t ask PeopleFinders to stop gathering data about you, you can remove your existing profiles. That way, if anyone tries to search your name, phone number, or email address, they’d come up with nada.
Here’s how to do that.
- Navigate to the PeopleFinders’ opt-out page. Now, you won’t find a link to that page anywhere on the homescreen. You’d need to know the exact URL, so here you go: Simply click the link or copy/paste it into your browser’s search bar.
Pro Tip: Whenever you’re opting out of a data broker site and you can’t find the opt-out page, we’ve found that searching ‘[site’s name] + opt out’ on Google usually works. Just scroll past the sponsored results and you’ll see the page you’re looking for. If you don’t, you can also visit the site’s privacy policy. The opt-out procedure is usually under the “Your Rights” section.
- Start the removal. We noticed that PeopleFinders offers an alternative to opting out that actually sounds good at first — free dark web monitoring so it can alert you if your information or online accounts are exposed on the dark web. It’s one of the features we look for in identity theft protection services we use. Don’t fall for it though; dark web monitoring doesn’t stop identity thieves from stealing your information anywhere but the dark web. We say click that “Next” button under Public Records Removal without hesitation.

- Fill out the record Removal Request Form. Fill out the Removal Request Form with your name and email address, then complete a CAPTCHA. PeopleFinders will then send a link to its removal form to the email address you provided.

- Retrieve the confirmation email. Go to your inbox and click the link provided in the confirmation email. The link expires after 24 hours, and if it does, you’ll need to start over. So make sure you have access to the email you’re entering into the Removal Request Form.
- Fill out the Record Suppression Form. The link actually leads you to another form called a Record Suppression Form. You’ll need to fill this out as accurately as possible. We know it sounds counterintuitive to enter more personal information when it’s what you’re trying to remove from the site, but PeopleFinders promises on the page that the information you’ll enter will only be used for the purpose of completing the removal request. Since we didn’t see any other way, we filled it out.
- Wait. PeopleFinders says you should allow three days for your information to be removed from the site. In our experience though, most profiles we requested removal for were removed within less than 24 hours. To confirm your information has been removed, clear your browser cache, navigate to the PeopleFinders website, and search for your information.
- Unsuccessful? It might be time to give PeopleFinders a call. We opted out five profiles of our team members and all were successfully removed. If you happen to have less luck removing your profile, you can call PeopleFinders’ customer service at (800) 718-8997. That is, unfortunately, the only recourse the service offers if your opt-out request isn’t pushing through.
>> Learn More: How to Opt Out of USPhoneBook
Opting Out of PeopleFinders Using Data Removal Services
We know of a different, easier solution, though. Data removal services do exactly what their name implies. They remove data such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses from people search sites like PeopleFinders. There are such automated services, such as Incogni, for example. Others, on the other hand, employ actual data removal experts to manually search and thoroughly remove your information from data broker lists. DeleteMe is one example.
>> Compare: DeleteMe vs. Incogni
No matter which service you end up using, the process is generally the same and easy.
- Buy a subscription.
- Enter your personal information.
- Wait.
That’s a whole lot shorter than going through six or seven steps to manually opt out of PeopleFinders. And data removal services can remove your profiles from more than just one site — most of them can remove information from hundreds of people search sites. During testing, Incogni sent out over 100 removal requests in just one week.
The downside is that data removal services are not free. The cost ranges from about $4 per month to over $20 per month, depending on the service provider, features, and subscription length. Considering that it’s free to opt out of most people search sites, some folks might find those prices off-putting.
We think they’re worth it though, given the convenience they provide. You won’t have to sit in front of your computer for days finding opt-out pages, solving CAPTCHAs, and filling out removal request forms. You can if you want to, but we think using a data removal service is more practical and convenient.
>> Up Next: How to Opt Out of TruePeopleSearch
Incogni makes it easy to search for your information and remove it from PeopleFinders.
Why Opt Out of PeopleFinders
What do you get from opting out, and why do we recommend spending time, money, or both just to get your profile removed from PeopleFinders? Well, there are a couple of important things to consider.
There is no real way to prevent identity theft.
That’s the grim truth we’ve learned from being in the industry for so long. Our personal information is everywhere, and some things that can result in identity theft such as data breaches are out of our hands.
The best thing we can do to lessen our chances of falling victim to identity theft and fraud is to limit the exposure of our personal information. Opting out of PeopleFinders and other data broker services helps us do that. Sure, your address and property details can still be accessed by going through public records, but at least it won’t be easily searchable. The key is to make it as hard as possible for potential identity thieves to gain information about you.
Fighting identity theft requires full-hearted effort.
That’s another critical thing to remember. We share a lot of tips on identity theft protection, and maybe you’re already following some of them. You’re probably using a VPN to make your online activities private; or antivirus software to keep data-stealing spyware and malware at bay; or even password managers to make sure your online accounts are secure.
However, one tiny slip up can ruin all that effort. Fighting identity theft is like securing your home. You don’t lock your door but leave your windows open. You have to do everything you can — as minor as it seems — to keep thieves out. So even though opting out of people search sites such as PeopleFinders seems inconsequential, it’s the right thing to do.
The good news is you can easily opt out of such services. PeopleFinders’ opt-out process took us no more than 10 minutes, and if you’re willing to invest in a good data removal service, that’s also about as long as it takes to set up the service. After that, you just sit back and wait for the results.
That said, there are other things you can do to limit the exposure of your personal information. For example, you can remove your phone number from Google search results and your social media accounts. If you do the right things in the name of privacy, you can keep yourself better protected against identity theft and fraud.
I didn’t find any records under my name; does that mean PeopleFinders doesn’t have my information?
If you haven’t opted out before, it’s possible that PeopleFinders doesn’t have enough records about you yet or that your information somehow ended up under a different name. There are several possibilities as to why you’re not seeing your profile, but in any case, you should check PeopleFinders every three to six months so you can immediately opt out the moment your records pop up.
Why am I seeing my profile again after opting out?
PeopleFinders’ data gathering is automated, so while opting out removes existing profiles, it doesn’t stop the site from gathering your information again from other sources. That’s why even after you’ve opted out, we recommend checking PeopleFinders every six months.
Can I opt out myself and others from PeopleFinders?
If you have the required information and authorization to do so, you can opt yourself and others out from PeopleFinders. That means you can opt out even your family members.
Do I need to pay a fee to opt out of PeopleFinders?
PeopleFinders and most people search sites don’t require a fee for opting out. It is within your rights to request the removal of your data, as provided by federal laws such as the CAN-SPAM Act.
Is PeopleFinders legal?
Yes, PeopleFinders is a legal and legitimate business. It provides individuals and companies access to publicly available data gathered from different sources and put in one place.